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How long do you store personal data?
Updated this week

For our consumer offerings (e.g. Free, Claude Pro plan) or beta/eval products, Anthropic retains your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes and criteria outlined in our Privacy Policy. If you are using a commercial offering (e.g. Anthropic API & Console, Claude for Work (Team and Enterprise plans)), we may explain our data retention periods in your services agreement with us, as applicable, and if you have been approved for zero retention, you can read more details here. Some additional details and examples:

  • If you use our services that allow you to save and continue conversations with Claude (e.g., Claude App for Slack, Claude via the Console, Free, Claude Pro plan, or Claude for Work), we retain your inputs and outputs in the product to provide you with a consistent product experience. You have control to delete conversations, which will be removed immediately from your conversation history and automatically deleted from our back-end within 30 days.

    • Please note: While using Claude for Work, your organization may have separate controls in place based on its own data retention policies. Check with your plan’s Primary Owner for additional guidance.

  • For all products, we automatically delete inputs and outputs on the backend within 30 days of receipt or generation, except when you and we have agreed otherwise, if we need to retain them for longer to enforce our Usage Policy (UP), or comply with the law.

  • For all products, we retain inputs and outputs for up to 2 years and trust and safety classification scores for up to 7 years if you submit a prompt that is flagged by our trust and safety classifiers as violating our UP.

  • Where you have opted in or provided some affirmative consent (e.g., submitting feedback or bug reports), we retain data associated with that submission for 10 years.

  • We delete information you instruct us to delete in accordance with Section 4 of our Privacy Policy (“Rights and Choices”).

When assessing how long your personal data is retained, we consider criteria such as: (i) the nature of the personal data and the activities involved; (ii) when and for how long you interact with Anthropic; and (iii) our legitimate interests and our legal obligations. In all cases, we may retain Prompts and Outputs as required by law or as necessary to combat violations of our Usage Policy. We may anonymise or de-identify your personal data for research or statistical purposes, in which case we may retain this information for longer without further notice to you.

For more information about our privacy practices, please see ourTrust Center and Privacy Policy.

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