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What is Anthropic’s policy for handling governmental requests for user information?
What is Anthropic’s policy for handling governmental requests for user information?
Updated yesterday

Trust and transparency are paramount values. Accordingly:

  1. Anthropic does not disclose information about customers or end users of our services in response to government requests except in accordance with valid legal process (eg., a validly issued subpoena or warrant). We will make an exception to this policy if we believe there is an emergency that may result in imminent physical harm or death, and providing such information without delay may avert that emergency.

  2. We evaluate each request to ensure that it’s legally valid, and we may reject requests that are overly broad or vague.

  3. We will also provide users notice if their data is requested, unless we’re legally prohibited from doing so, or other rare exceptions apply, including where a child is at risk of harm or in cases of emergency. In particular, if data is sought on an API or enterprise customer, we will generally ask the requester to contact our customer in the first instance.

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